Monday, November 17, 2008

Shepard's Pie

I made Jaxon Shepard's Pie for the first time a little over a week ago. We had tested everything except the tomato sauce. All I did was cook ground turkey and mix it with green beans and sauce. Then I covered it with mashed sweet potatoes. He loved it. He looked it so much he would say "More, more" and do this if e didn't get it fast enough...

Too bad that night he looked like this...
and this....
and this.
We gave him some dye free Benadryl. He slept fine, the rash went away and it has not come back. I think his system is just hyper sensitive to new things so he tends to get a rash the first time he tries something. If it doesn't go away that is not a good sign and he may be having an EE reaction. If it does go away we try again. We have been giving Jaxon Shepard's Pie ever since. He still loves it and we have seen no other reactions.
We started trialing white potato last night. He didn't see to care for the texture of it. I think it was just too dry. He seemed to really like the Terra brand potato chips (he does have expensive taste). We are crossing our fingers. I am seeing turkey burgers and In-N-Out fries dancing across our feeding future. Yeah! If he passes potato I have a really cool recipe for pumpkin bread that calls for potato flour. Oh the possibilities...


clmichel said...

Hi, I did a search on EE because my 21 month old son was diagnosed in May 2008. I live in UT and am also LDS. I would love to chat and exchange info on where you are getting treatment.

If you are interested please email me at clmichel_2 @

Subject : EE

crystal said...

I was wondering if you still blog because if so I would like to follow your blog!My daughter has had EE since birth!I to have a blog and I would welcome you to visit and hope I could be of some sort of encouragment to you!hope to talk to you soon!

Kristin said...

Hey Melody, it was nice to read your story of Jaxon. Some eerie similarities between our children. Ava was referred from her allergist to a GI specialist. We saw the GI a couple of weeks ago. I thought they might be looking for Celiac, but the doctor quickly jumped to EE. Thanks to you, I knew what she was talking about. She goes in for a flex. sigmoidoscopy and an endoscopy on Oct. 8th. Both doctors seem very positive they already know the outcome of the scope, but I am hoping and praying they are wrong. Her diet it already quite limited and the next step they are discussing is completely eliminating food-- a possibility I can't fathom at this time.

I am glad to hear that Jaxon is tolerating more foods. The GI did tell me that a lot of children outgrow it by age 3-5. (though they may never be able to tolerate some of their major allergens)I thought that was at least some positive news.