Sunday, July 11, 2010

Elecare Vanilla

I have quite a bit extra Elecare Vanilla to give away before it expires next year. Jaxon only drinks it maybe once a week now. We are trying to wean him off completely. If anyone needs this formula please contact me or leave a comment here. I will mail it anywhere if you are willing to pay shipping.


Alison said...

Hello, I found your blog doing a google blog search on EE. My 13 month old was recently diagnosed and we are starting him on Elecare, but just starting the process of getting insurance to cover it, so I would appreciate any that you have to offer and gladly pay shipping. You can contact me by clicking through to my google profile. There's a link to my email address. Thank you!

Heather D said...

I would love any extras too. My son just went elemental this past weekend. He is five. Very devestating for a kid who loves food. We went from 6 food to elemental in the matter of 2 months. For some reason, his Eosiniphils multiplied immensely on the 6 food. Thanks, in advance, for any elecare you might have. My son would never drink the plain since he has been wating food for so long. It is much easier for babies to drink the plain, I think. At least the vanilla has some flavor. Anyway, thanks again and God Bless. You can get to my blog from my profile, I think. I am not sure how to go about giving you my address. If you have any ideas, let me know. We truly appreciate it. We are looking at 4-500.00 a month for formula.